Success makes people happy, people strive so hard to be "successful" but really what defines being successful? Every person has their own personal definition of success. Humans strive so hard to get that "success" completed.
How to be successful. How do you know if you are successful? Do all humans strive for that? Does success mean having fancy job? owning nice things? being famous?
We chase these things in the mistake of a belief of it will make us happy, or make us feel good.
Being loved, powerful?
Cormac McCarthy is known for his violence, and maybe can be justified.He is a very sympathetic character and attempts to have common decency. After he is done with his violence does he feel that successful feeling?
I think he does, he strives to be the best he can be and keep everyone protected. And gets that successful feeling when he achieves his goals and accomplishments.
Success in general is what humans strive, and once is completed can and does lead to happiness.
I think that most of us want to be successful but what we perceive as success is often very different.
What does success mean to you? And, does success make you happy?
"Work hard, achieve your goals, become happy" some say that is the formula of happiness